Everything I Use To Write, Produce, and Launch In A Nutshell
This is going to be a big blog (took me two weeks to write it, lol), but not near big enough to say what I want to about each resource...
Everything I Use To Write, Produce, and Launch In A Nutshell
How To Use An Anthology
Change In Process: Published Writers
Things Writers Shouldn't Subscribe To
Cutting Writing Time For Author Things
Chop It. Cut It. Ctrl+A Then "Delete"
Get Good: Staying Distant
Writing Advice: Stop Writing
The Update Blog!
Not My District
Sci-Fi: Don't Like That
Research: Black Hole Or Life Raft?
Prince of MidWest Is Ready...Almost
Going Out On A Limb
Acknowledge Your Support System
Brainstorm, My Dear Watson!
Keeping It Professional
Writing Soundtracks
No Shame In It
Pickled Mango: Dealing With Rejection