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How to Support An Author

There are a lot of ways to support an author and almost all of them are free! If you have read any of my books or short stories, leave a review on Amazon, GoodReads, and recommend the book to friends. Reviews may seem like something you only do when you're upset about a blender you bought, but they are priceless to authors. When you recommend something to someone, what's the first thing they check? The reviews! New readers will take your word for it and give a new book a try if you say it's worth it. 


Here are a few other links to things you can do to support me:


  • You can buy books directly from me, the author, via my online store in the menu above. 




  • Buy some merch from my store!




Thank you so much for looking for ways to support me as an artist, storyteller, and creator. 

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