Submission Guidlines
Anthology Submission Guidlines
Please check the anthologies page to make sure you know the submission call before you begin to write!
12 point font
Times New Roman
1.5 spacing
1 inch margins
.5 indentation
Title centered at the top
In the header of your manuscript, list items thus: Last Name, Anthology Name, Title of Piece, Word Count, Page Number.
When you email SummerStorm Press a short story, please put your name and the title in the subject line. DO NOT paste your story in the body of the email. Please attach the story as an MSWord document ONLY. No Google docs, PDFs, or plain text files will be accepted.
Please title your file after your piece with your last name and the name of the anthology you are submitting to. For example: The Grapes Of Wrath_Steinbeck_Anthology Name.docx
In your email, please address your emails To The Editor. Be professional and edit your emails before you send them (making a good first impression!). Do not send a blank email. Tell us who you are, have you been published before (sorry, your fifth-grade picture book doesn't count), give us links to your publications and public social media, and tell us in 100 words or so what your short story is about.
See my anthology contracts here before you submit.
Submit your short stories to spacedragoncreations@gmail.com
Good Luck and thanks for offering your short story to the anthology!